Friday 31 May 2013

Update On My Novel In Progress

I have been working away on my novel for approximately three years. It has been a long process, and has included some periods of procrastination, but I can see the finish line now.

When I wrote the first draft it was hurriedly scribbled with pen and paper. It has been through several re-writes since then, including the one I am working on now. I am hoping that will be the last before editing.

I have learned a lot since I first started the story. My early attempts at grammar etc were embarrassing and I have been steadily improving with the help of my Writers’ group, Facebook Writers’ pages and my English class. I still make mistakes but I am still learning.

It is a Psychological Thriller. I love my characters including my serial killer antagonist, who I have a crush on!

I sometimes feel under pressure to get the book finished and out there, as everyone else seem to knock out a book a week. Okay, probably an exaggeration!

The voices in my head won’t let me rush it though. They tell me to take my time and make it the best I can. And there are plenty of great Authors who take years to write a novel, especially a first one.

I am not sure if it is the rise in Indie Authors and E-Books that makes us feel under so much pressure. All writers want to be published so that they can feel like a “Real Writer” and justify the long periods they spend being unsociable.

My book will be finished and I have a good outline for the sequel. I am excited and nervous about letting anyone else read my work, as I am the only person to have seen it. I am trying to get it ready to be edited during the school holidays as I know I will not get much writing done with a child at home.

Hopefully the book will be ready to publish later in the year.