Monday 24 September 2012


I have been very guilty of this recently. I haven`t written a blog or worked on my Novel for months. I have had all kinds of excuses, some good some bad.
In June we moved from the flat from hell into a fab house. Our flat was a downstairs 2 bedroom housing trust flat. We had a psycho girl above us ( I will write about that experience one day!) and mould in every room. Writing was hard in the flat and the new house was to be a new lease of life for my writing.
The house needed things done like painting, cleaning and the garden was a forest!
Then a month after moving in I found out I was pregnant. We had been trying for a second child for years, seen IVF doctors and had been told it would be unlikely we would fall pregnant naturally. I fell within weeks of moving house.
Up untill 10 weeks I felt sick all the time and exhausted. I could have slept the days away. Then I started to feel better, had a new burst of energy and thought maybe this pregnancy would be an easy one unlike my last.
Then I reached 12 weeks and started bleeding. I went to hospital and miscarried, losing a lot of blood in the process.
That was 3 weeks ago now. I am not a negative person, things happen for a reason although I haven`t worked it out yet.
I need to get back into my writing. Sometimes I think to myself, "Maybe you`re not meant to be a writer."
The voices in my head disagree!
I must make sure that writing goes to the top of my To Do list. The cobwebs will just have to wait.
Now I just have to work out a way to stop my dog from sitting next to me and farting while I am writing!


  1. glad to see you are blogging again sis xx

  2. Sometimes a change of scenery is all you need to reignite your writing muse. Sorry to hear about your miscarriage, you have a very positive outlook on things. Best of luck with NaNo this year!
