Tuesday 12 March 2013

Managing your time

I often hear writers saying that they haven’t had the time to write. I refuse to use this excuse for my lack of writing as it would be selfish.

I know of writers who work long hours, raise a family and still find time to write. What these people have is good time management, and the motivation to drive them forward towards their goals.

I have the luxury of not having to go out to work. I have worked since having my daughter, but my hubby was happy for me not to so I could stay at home and concentrate on writing.

It doesn’t actually mean I write more though, if anything I am actually less organised with my time.

When you have to juggle work with housework, children and writing you seem to plan your day better. When you have loads of time on your hands you seem to just waste it.

Maybe that is just me!

I am definitely writing more this year so far though. I am charging through the re-write of my novel and am very happy with how it is going. I have also managed to write a lot of short pieces including children’s stories, poems and flash fiction work.

I think I just need to treat it more like a job and give myself working hours. It only actually takes about 1 hour to write 1000 words on a good run, which isn’t a bad amount to be aiming for daily. I could produce the first draft of a novel in 3-4 months in theory!

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