Wednesday 6 March 2013

The best time to write. Are you a morning person?

It never ceases to amaze me how many people are up writing while I am fast asleep.

I am a lazy person who can’t function without at least 7 hours sleep, preferably more! Part of me envies those people who get their writing done early.

I get most of my writing done while my daughter is at school, but I can’t help but wonder what my writing would be like if I shoe horned my butt out of bed early and wrote something before life got in the way.

Just think how much more I could fit into my day. I could read more books, take my dog for longer walks (extra thinking time) and go out to lunch more.

I cannot convince myself to actually do it though.

In my defence it is cold at the moment and the heating is not left on over night, but there is no excuse in summer.

It isn’t as if I need perfect conditions to write in. Some people need their own room, no noise, a view of the garden etc, but I am not one of those people. I can write standing at the worktop while watching the dinner cooking, I can write while my daughter is playing in the same room and I even used to write while listening to my ex neighbour shouting, screaming and swearing.

I just need to free up some more hours in my day. I will have to work at it.

When it is warmer!

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